Some of the links used in this blog post, may be affiliate links, meaning that at no extra cost to you, I may be paid for sharing what I have found to be helpful information or helpful products. Thank you! TASL
Can anyone say, "SQUIRREL"?

I'll start off with a confession;
I'm easily distracted...

In the last three quarters of the year, I plan to focus on the things I love to do, and that will help my family get where we are called to be. Here are some of those things listed out.
- Local and world travel. I now own a home-based travel agency, and help others who also want to do the same. Find out more here
- You can visit my The Art of Travel Facebook page for the latest deals and travel inspiration.
- Art Smart Sketch Excursions Tours (ASSET) for beginner-intermediate art enthusiasts, both locally and worldwide.

- Regular weekly contribution to my blog,
- A newly forming podcast,
- YouTube Art Tip and Tutorial videos.
- Online sketch classes and community for beginner-intermediate artists

- Find news for that, on my Instagram, and on my Facebook page,
- The Art Smart Lady on Facebook

- Creating an atmosphere of joy and peace wherever I am

- Creating more art to share with, and inspire the world at large. If you’d like to be added to my Facebook page, specific to my art, you can go here. Lorina’s Art: Facebook group.

That’s quite a few to tackle, but I am already busy with all of these in some stage or another, so it is just a matter of stepping it up a notch.
I recently listened to the book, “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” Getting Things Done, By David Allen, which has got me started on the right path, In fact I have carved an area out for the system already, now if only I can concentrate long enough to make it all happen. 🙂
I also just received my order for “The Power of Focus” by Authors: Jack Canfield Mark Victor Hansen, and Les Hewitt, out of recommendation from one of my mentors. It is very practical and interactive. I actually started reading the first chapter of it with my family.

I plan to continue spending more of my time such as I have been, over the past year or so, reading about ways to create multiple streams of income. Right now one of those ways, besides sharing and teaching art, and the travel business, I have been making sales on Amazon and other online resources. Right now it’s only been books, but there are so many possibilities as I found out.

The course I bought, after doing some research, and reading reviews is The Proven Amazon Course , affectionately called the PAC, by the more than 46k member Facebook community I am a part of, created by Jim Cockrum and associates. It’s a great course, and one that I’ll be taking for quite some time, since new course subjects are constantly added, for no further charge.

You can go to Jim’s free podcast to learn all kinds of amazing things about creating an income online, and hearing from people who are extremely successful with it. About a year ago I read two of Jim’s books, Silent Sales Machine, and Free Marketing: 101 Low and No-Cost Ways to Grow Your Business Online and Off. They made such an impression on me, and have changed my thinking about a lot of things. I’m excited to get focused on what is on my plate, and I love seeing that I am slowly but steadily making progress. I will continue to celebrate the small victories, and cut my losses on some of the many good things I could be involved in, but shouldn’t, so that I can enjoy my family, and create the life that I am meant to live.
Loving God, Life, and You